


CRYSERV CLIENT  Game Client - Mandatory Update

Patch Notes ( v.2.0.1086.0 )
Fixed that the standard chat could be made unusable with the radio chat ( original game error )
Fixed inconsistencies in the localizations of the radio chat ( original game errors )
Fixed that a Tool was selected when using the 4 in one of the radio chat groups ( original game error )
Fixed that the radio chat could be opened behind the scoreboard ( original game error )
Fixed that a wrong map grid position was displayed on maps without minimap ( original game error )
The compass display in the radar now also works on maps without a minimap
Added that the radio menu can be closed with the Esc key
Readability of the radio chat improved by left alignment
General revision of the radio chat entries
The radio chat can now also be used in Team Action
Separate areas added to the radio chat, for communication nearby and across the entire map
Added display of the number of radio chat receivers for nearby communication and maps without minimap
Various performance optimisations

The radio chat is actually a very practical but unfortunately often overlooked way of communicating, as the instructions are localized for each player. This update therefore primarily relates to this feature. We have tried to name entries more clearly, to fix errors and to increase the readability and general added value of this function.

I hope that we have succeeded in this endeavor with these changes 🙂 ... Due to the newly added radio entries, players with an old version would not have the corresponding localization, so unfortunately it has to be a mandatory update.

» Available from the 2024-07-26.


CRYSERV CLIENT  Game Client - Mandatory Update

Patch Notes ( v.2.0.1085.0 )
C4 can now be disarmed even if it is attached to an entity such as a vehicle
Fixed that the usability message was sporadically not displayed for mounted weapons
Various performance optimisations

Unfortunately, the original game does not allow you to remove any C4 attached to an Entity. I had already thought several times about whether this could be changed, yesterday I finally tested it and yes. On client and vanilla servers it is simply removed as it is originally handled and on BASE, nTEC and iTEC servers it falls off after disarming and can then be picked up as normal.

This feature must be supported on the server side, as long as the server operators have not updated theirs servers, it will not work & It is not configurable, but simply possible by default in CryServ now.

» Available from the 2024-07-11.


CRYSERV CLIENT  Game Client - Mandatory Update

Patch Notes ( v.2.0.1084.0 )
Fixed that the position of vehicles directly after a map (re)start was sporadically only displayed correctly if they were shot at
Fixed that a player sporadically did not receive the message "Enter Vehicle" and had to hit the vehicle first to make it work
Fixed that the cloak-layer of the helicopter rotors was displayed incorrectly
Various minor adjustments

This version is a pure quality of life update and fixes some bugs that have always been present in the game, two of which should be familiar to anyone who has been playing Crysis Wars for a while. Unfortunately I also had to rework some MTLs as I had overlooked a display bug with the cloak-layer when I fixed other display bugs with the wet- and frozen- layer, at helicopter rotors, in one of the last updates - which is also the reason why it had to be a mandatory update.

» Available from the 2024-07-09.


CRYSERV CLIENT  Game Client - Mandatory Update

Patch Notes ( v.2.0.1083.1 )
Fixed that players with more than ~225 FPS could no longer use the RadarKit ( original game error )
The revision number of the client is now also displayed in the dll properties, in the menu and in the mods menu

To complete the high FPS fixes, here's a little touch up, as I didn't realize that the RadarKit was also causing problems.

Patch Notes ( v.2.0.1083.0 )
Added overheating to the VehicleMOAC and VehicleMOAR to prevent continuous firing
Indicator bar for the VehicleMOAC and VehicleMOAR extended so that it can also display overheating
Fixed a display error in the SwingOMeter that led to a display error when changing the color scheme in-game
Fixed that players with more than ~225 FPS could not place explosives ( original game error )
Removed the automatic reactivation of V-Sync after a (re-)start ( due to several requests )
Various minor adjustments

Since we have been testing the VehicleMOAC and VehicleMOAR a little longer and our thoughts are that we both think that no weapon should be able to fire continuously in the game, so another small update that completes the balancing adjustments of these weapons. Furthermore, the very annoying bug was fixed that players could no longer place explosives from about 225 FPS, these then simply disappeared.

» Available from the 2024-07-05.


CRYSERV CLIENT  Game Client - Mandatory Update

Patch Notes ( v.2.0.1082.0 )
Fixed that the Singularity vehicle weapon did not cause area damage ( original game error )
Fixed that the damage values of the MOAC vehicle weapons were much too high ( original game errors )
Fixed that "Enter Vehicle" was not displayed after a successfully picking lock ( original game error )
Fixed that the interaction indicator ( the white & red circle for interactions ) did not work correctly ( original game error )
Fixed that the motion blur in the rotor of helicopters was no longer displayed ( this error crept in in the last update )
Fixed that Cyrillic led to an incorrect display if it was not localized on the client side ( original game error )
 → Dynamic server-side localizations are finally possible without errors with this fix
New item added, a universal tool called "MultiTool" that can be used for the following tasks
 → Repairing ( Vehicles & Gun Turrets )
 → Disarming ( Explosives )
 → Hacking ( Gun Turrets )
 → Picking Lock ( Vehicles )
Extensive revision of the Russian localization ( Alex has invested a lot of time in the improvements )
Various other improvements and optimizations ( 19 sub-items )

The Singularity, as powerful as a TAC that can visually illuminate an entire map ... but won't kill anyone standing even 10 meters from the point of impact ... strange, at least that's what we thought and that's why we changed it.

The primary MOAC vehicle weapon, was far too powerful, it could destroy any other vehicle in a maximum of one second, which is very violent, as you had practically no chance and had to rely on luck. It is still good, but no longer overwhelmingly good. Regardless of this, the mounted version of the MOAC also caused far too much damage to some vehicles and significantly more damage than to all other vehicles, which we have also fixed.

Especially in Instant Action and Team Action, it is very inconvenient to always have several tools with you. The idea was therefore to use the SSM to give players a tool that combines and automates everything. This new "MultiTool" is also available in PowerStruggle in the buy menu ( If additional items have been activated on the server side ). Thanks at this point to 76th for his help with fixing a display error of a particle effect during the implementation.

» Available from the 2024-07-03.



CRYSERV - PHOENIX, PHOENIX-BASE & nTEC 2.0  Server Files - Mandatory Update

Patch Notes ( v.1.0.1073.5 )
Phoenix: C++ API Function " pov, poi )" added
Phoenix: Lua-API documentation revised
Phoenix: Various minor adjustments

Patch Notes ( v.1.0.1073.4 )
Phoenix: Default.pak and Modified.pak updated
Phoenix: Various minor adjustments
nTEC: Plugin “punchball” added ( attention: dependencies )
nTEC: Plugin “map-categoriser” revised
nTEC: Plugin “server-header” revised
nTEC: Chat Command “unflip” added
nTEC: Chat Command “repair” revised
nTEC: Chat Command “revive” revised
nTEC: Chat Command “jump” revised
nTEC: Chat Command “hqstatus” removed ( reason: obsolete )
nTEC: Chat Command “gamelimits” removed ( reason: obsolete )
nTEC: Console Command “map” revised
nTEC: Various minor adjustments

Patch Notes ( v.1.0.1073.3 )
Phoenix: C4 can now be disarmed even if it is attached to an entity such as a vehicle
Phoenix: Various minor adjustments
nTEC: Added that C4 attached to entities will fall off after disarming
nTEC: Plugin “map-categoriser” revised
nTEC: Chat Command “map” revised
nTEC: Console Command “map” revised
BASE: Added that C4 attached to entities will fall off after disarming

Patch Notes ( v.1.0.1073.2 )
Phoenix: Fixed that the cloak layer of the helicopter rotors was displayed incorrectly
Phoenix: The revision number of the dll is now specified in the file properties and in the CVar for querying it
Phoenix: Default.pak and Modified.pak updated
Phoenix: Various minor adjustments

Patch Notes ( v.1.0.1073.1 )
Phoenix: Added overheating to the VehicleMOAC and VehicleMOAR to prevent continuous firing
Phoenix: Default.pak and Modified.pak updated

Patch Notes ( v.1.0.1073.0 )
Phoenix: Missing damage values for the VehicleMOAC armament, defined ( original game error )
Phoenix: Incorrect damage values for the mounted MOAC armament, set correctly ( original game errors )
Phoenix: Area damage has been added to the Singularity, as this was missing originally ( original game error )
Phoenix: New "MultiTool" added ( Repairing, Unlocking, Disarming, Hacking ( Thanks to 76th vor his help ) )
Phoenix: It is now possible to activate the additional items in the buy menu for Vanilla and other SSM as well
Phoenix: Lua-API function added to retrieve the game language of a player ( SSM localization now also possible )
Phoenix: Lua-API documentation revised
Phoenix: Default.pak and Modified.pak updated
Phoenix: Various minor adjustments
nTEC: Added support for the newly added item "MultiTool"
nTEC: Plugin “conquest” revised ( contains also an example for server-side localization )
nTEC: Plugin “gun-turrets” revised
nTEC: Plugin “map-categoriser” revised
nTEC: Chat Command “map” revised
nTEC: Chat Command “players” revised
nTEC: Console Command “map” revised
nTEC: Console Command “players” revised
nTEC: Lots of minor adjustments
nTEC: Version number increased to 2.0.1015 ( complete update necessary )
BASE: Added automatic replacement of disarmed explosives

» Available from the 2024-07-03.



Alex thought that the community should familiarize themselves with the basics of the Power Struggle game mode in Crysis Wars. That's why he uploaded this video to YouTube in good quality and added subtitles for 5 languages: English, German, Russian, Polish and Turkish.

» Power Struggle - Basic Tutorial


CRYSERV CLIENT  Game Client - Mandatory Update

Patch Notes ( v.2.0.1081.1 )
DirectX 10 options are now always available in the options menu for server creation
The slider for the length of the time of day in the server creation menu, now also allows 0 values
Localization in the menu for server creation revised
Item Description of the LockPickKit in PowerStruggle more accurately formulated
Wall Jump fall damage is now also reduced on a client server
Fixed a memory leak that could occur when starting a server from within the game ( original game error )
Fixed several ActionScript error messages in the server creation menu ( original game errors )
Fixed that flashbang grenades could blind spectators ( original game error )
Client Console Command “map” revised and expanded
Various minor adjustments

Patch Notes ( v.2.0.1081.0 )
Fixed that vehicles with cloaking devices did not work sporadically during the first connection, i.e. remained visible
Fixed that when restarting the map, mounted weapons on vehicles with cloaking devices remained sporadically visible

Due to the unfair advantage a player would gain if a vehicle remains visible to him but is cloaked for someone else, this is unfortunately a mandatory update. I've been trying to find this bug for a week ( that's when I first noticed it ), unfortunately it's not easy to trigger it, so it was difficult to debug, today i finally found the reason and fixed it.

» Available from the 2024-06-16.


CRYSERV CLIENT  Game Client - Mandatory Update

Patch Notes ( v.2.0.1080.1 )
Fixed that the game language was sporadically set to another language, even if the language was not installed

Patch Notes ( v.2.0.1080.0 )
The visual representation of the Cloak-Mode has been revised
The damage behavior caused by the rocket launcher's missiles has been adjusted
Added support for additional vehicles provided by server-side resource packs
HUD color schemes in the menu from 5 extended to 36 possibilities
Fixed the faulty MTL of the "jungle_tree_large_swampy" ( Credits and Thanks to Flow Groover )
Fixed incorrect display of ( frozen/ wet ) layers on the helicopter
All incorrectly positioned icons in vehicles in the radar in Power Struggle should now be fixed
Client Console Command “vehicle” revised
Various other improvements and optimizations ( 62 sub-items )

The new Cloak-Mode

Since the Cloak-Mode in Crysis Wars makes a player nearly invisible, making it very difficult to visually identify a player depending on the background, the idea of adapting it has been around for a while ... So the new Cloak-Mode really took us a lot of hours to test ... We had created several versions for internal testing ... the version we decided on is the closest to the original, looks good and sufficiently fixes what was criticized about the original Cloak-Mode. We didn't want the difference to be too big compared to what players are used to, so we hope you like our choice 🙂.

Provision of additional vehicles via server-side Resource Packs

A few versions ago Alex and me had added HUD support for unknown vehicle classes to the CryServ-Client, original no vehicle HUD would be displayed at all for unknown classes, as you may already know from many videos of other projects and from the Sandbox2 - Now there is finally a suitable use for this adaptation.

About two months ago I found a way to make probably the most of all custom vehicle classes available via a server-side resource pack. Which vehicles the server operators make available to you, if they want to use it, is up to them. I have tested the system with around 20 different ones, all of them worked without any problems with the chosen solution.

Extended Color Shemes

Last but not least, Alex thought that the color schemes in the menu should be expanded, so he extended the color schemes from the original 5 available designs to 36 possible combinations ( the original color schemes can also be adapted using the optional background colors ).

» Available from the 2024-06-13.


CRYSERV - PHOENIX, PHOENIX-BASE & nTEC 2.0  Server Files - Mandatory Update

Patch Notes ( v.1.0.1072.3 )
Phoenix: Time of Day API functions revised so that they also work in DX10 and uniformly with DX9
Phoenix: Lua-API-documentation revised
Phoenix: Various minor adjustments
nTEC: Added validation to the LevelSetup-System if the CustomVehicle class that was placed is the one that would spawn
nTEC: Adaptation to the new Time of Day control
nTEC: Many minor adjustments
BASE: Adaptation to the new Time of Day control

Patch Notes ( v.1.0.1072.2 )
Phoenix: Auxiliary functions added for resource pack vehicles
Phoenix: Lua-API-documentation revised
Phoenix: Various minor adjustments
nTEC: Automated determination and integration of resource pack vehicles added
nTEC: Many minor adjustments

Patch Notes ( v.1.0.1072.1 )
Phoenix: Added missing CVar flag ( original game error )

Patch Notes ( v.1.0.1072.0 )
Phoenix: Added support for additional vehicles provided by server-side resource packs ( LAN + ONLINE )
Phoenix: Added additional checks for server-side resource packs
Phoenix: Processing of server-side resource packs revised ( these now also have their own folder )
Phoenix: Lua-API-documentation revised ( instructions for provisioning vehicles via resource packs added )
Phoenix: Default.pak and Modified.pak updated
Phoenix: Server.cfg files updated ( description adapted for resource packs )
Phoenix: Various minor adjustments
nTEC: Many minor adjustments
nTEC: Version number increased to 2.0.1014 ( complete update necessary )
BASE: Partial match search for Chat and CMD Commands added
BASE: Chat Command "vehicle" added ( supports unknown vehicle classes )
BASE: Various minor adjustments

I have added several resource packs to the download area of the server files, which you can use directly if you like. It's always easier if you have a few examples, I think ...

» Available from the 2024-06-13.


CRYSERV - PHOENIX, PHOENIX-BASE & nTEC 2.0  Server Files - Voluntary Update

Patch Notes ( v.1.0.1071.0 )
Phoenix: Numerous minor C++ errors in the original game code fixed
Phoenix: Added CVar "g_disableCloakModeOnce" - Temporary deactivation of the Cloak-Mode with C++ Reset
Phoenix: Lua-API-documentation revised
Phoenix: Various minor adjustments

Temporary deactivation of the Cloak-Mode

It is now possible to deactivate ("g_disableCloakModeOnce" set to 1) the Cloak-Mode once for one round, i.e. until a map change or an analog reset. This can be used in the levelrotation.xml as well as in any SSM.

Conversely, it is also possible to completely deactivate the Cloak-Mode (possible since 2014 in CryServ) on the server with the CVar "g_disableCloakMode" (set to 1) and to create one-off exceptions for this setting for individual maps using "g_disableCloakModeOnce" (set to 0).

» Available from the 2024-05-29.


CRYSERV CLIENT  Game Client - Mandatory Update

Patch Notes ( v.2.0.1079.2 )
Two already in the original game missing localizations for Russian added
Numerous minor C++ errors in the original game code fixed

Patch Notes ( v.2.0.1079.1 )
Fixed invisible brightness slider in the System Settings → Graphics ( thanks to FAPP for reporting this )
The client recovery system can now process server passwords that were changed or added during the previous game session
Various minor adjustments

Patch Notes ( v.2.0.1079.0 )
Added chat support for Cyrillic ( The button for switching the input language is configurable )
Added distance-based target acquisition tolerance for the Rocket-Launcher and AscMod vehicle armament
Added target visibility check for the Rocket-Launcher and AscMod vehicle armament
As soon as a target is locked, the color of the Silhouette changes now from white to red
The Rocket-Launcher and AscMod vehicle armament have been adjusted for balancing reasons
TACGunEX target acquisition revised and improved
Color of the upper progress bar for spectators in the TA panel has been changed ( now also red )
The CVar "cl_crouchToggle" is not longer net synched, players can now change it independently of the server
Fixed that the amount of ammunition for the Rocket-Launcher in the buy menu did not correspond to the amount received
Various minor adjustments and bug fixes

» Available from the 2024-04-14.


CRYSERV - PHOENIX, PHOENIX-BASE & nTEC 2.0  Server Files - Mandatory Update

Patch Notes ( v.1.0.1070.0 )
Phoenix: Added Transliteration to display Cyrillic characters in the server CMD and in SSM's
Phoenix: Target acquisition for "AscMod" and "LAW" has been slightly adjusted for balancing reasons
Phoenix: The CVar "cl_crouchToggle" is not longer net synched
Phoenix: Default.pak and Modified.pak updated
Phoenix: Various minor adjustments
nTEC: Various minor adjustments
BASE: Public Chat Command "vote" added ( to change the current or determine the next map by voting )
 → cc vote <ia-ta-ps> <map name> <time limit> ( time limit is always an optional argument )
 → cc vote next ( starts a vote for the next map of the level rotation )
 → cc vote next <ia-ta-ps> <map name> <time limit> ( time limit is always an optional argument )
 → cc vote cancel ( stops an ongoing vote started by the player himself )
 → cc map list ( lists all maps available on the server ( only available if vote system is permitted ) )
BASE: Public Chat Command "hud" added ( changing the client HUD colors by predefined styles )
 → cc hud ( lists all available hud styles )
 → cc hud <index> ( retrieves and saves the selected style on the player client )
 → cc hud reset ( reset to the hud style used during the connection process )
BASE: Admin Chat Command "execute" added ( execute CMD commands, changing CVar values )
BASE: Admin Command Sytax "vote stop" added ( stops an ongoing vote regardless of who started it )
BASE: Admin Chat Command Sytax "map list" can now also be used without admin rights if the vote system is permitted
BASE: Public Chat Command Sytax "map rotation" can now also be used in the server CMD
BASE: Various minor adjustments


Due to the balancing adjustments some XML files have been changed, so server operators must replace the pak files to ensure that no one is kicked off the servers when file check is enabled.

» Available from the 2024-04-14.


CRYSERV CLIENT  Game Client - Mandatory Update

Patch Notes ( v.2.0.1078.0 )
Several bugs in Power Struggle fixed
Various minor adjustments and bug fixes

A small update in which various minor bugs that were reported to me ( thanks to Payro ) or that we discovered ourselves last week have been fixed, a quality of life update, if you will.


Due to a bug in the Tactical Attachment ( there is now a loading indicator and you can no longer fire an infinite number of times in succession ), the SCAR and FY71 xml have changed, so unfortunately I have to make this version a mandatory update so that nobody gets kicked off the servers when file check is enabled.

» Available from the 2024-03-30.


CRYSERV - PHOENIX, PHOENIX-BASE & nTEC 2.0  Server Files - Mandatory Update

Patch Notes ( v.1.0.1069.1 )
Phoenix: Several bugs in Power Struggle fixed
Phoenix: Default.pak and Modified.pak updated
Phoenix: Various minor adjustments
nTEC: Several bugs in Power Struggle fixed
nTEC: Chat Command "teamscore" revised
nTEC: Chat Command "map" revised
nTEC: Server Command "map" revised
nTEC: Various minor adjustments


Due to an error in the Tactical Attachment, the SCAR and FY71 xml have changed, so server operators must replace the pak files to ensure that no one is kicked off the servers when file check is enabled.

» Available from the 2024-03-30.

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